Our Services
- Overhauling of Compressor
- Compressors: Installation, Repairs & Maintenance
- Condensers: Installation, Repairs & Maintenance
- Package Units: Installation, Repairs & Maintenance
- Heat Exchangers & Evaporator Coil: Installation, Repairs & Maintenance
- Blowers & Fans: Installation, Repairs & Maintenance
- Split Air Conditioners: Installation, Repairs & Maintenance
- Air Handling Units: Installation, Repairs & Maintenance
- Troubleshooting of Electrical Wiring & Circuit Board
- Conversion to Pro-Environment Freon Gas

Roger International supplies a wide range of ventilation products which are compliant with all of your needs. With technology advancement, the role of fans and blowers has gotten wider but their main function remains to provide air for ventilation of different parts of your ship. As such, they play an important role in the quality of your air as well as the operational status of your ducts and other parts.
Fan and blower installation requires particular attention since such units operation under constant pressure.
If your blower and fan have not been properly installed, your equipment will rapidly start to suffer from vibration which is the main cause of wheel and motor bearing failure. Moreover, installation requirements depend on the type of blower and fan you are installing. For example, centrifugal blowers require a heavy and solid foundation with no gaps between the blower base and the foundation to be correctly placed. You should also make sure that all duct connections to the blower are safely fastened to avoid any distortion, noise and vibration which will negatively impact the performance of your system.
Considering all particularities and details is what makes proper installation. Seek professional help from Roger International for the installation of your unit and save money in the long run by avoiding any premature failures and else.
If your unit fails, brokedown or simply performs poorly, get in touch with us and we will be able to troubleshoot in no time. Moreover, thanks to a well organised stock management, we have all spare parts you need and are at your disposal without delay in all ports, shipyards and anchorages in both China and Singapore.
Our services include vibration analysis, dynamic balancing, precision alignment, preventative maintenance, complete overhauls, on-site repairs, removals & installations of any spare parts such as bearing & seal.
Regular maintenance is what always makes the difference. Too many technical officers and technicians neglect check ups and therefore let dust, leaks and vibrations progressively destroy their equipment. Some Blower and fans are easy to maintain, others require more time and attention but regular inspections will always grant you with extra years of optimal performance from your unit thus cost savings in the long run.
From our experience, we advise you to pay particular attention to your motor. Periodically check if your motor is kept dry and clear as well as lubricated. Check as well all wiring connections for any signs of condensation or improper voltage.
Call us now and profit from our maintenance services. We will be able to identify signs of potential failures at an early stage.
As said, better safe than sorry !
If you think maintenance services are a waste of money, think again. Maintenance is not only cheaper but also faster to perform than repair and will save you both time and money compared to ending up with a failure or breakdown situation.